
News :: LOL: Choke Gaming vs London Conspiracy

LOL: Choke Gaming vs London Conspiracy

Day 2's first featured match up is the Best of 3 Match in the Upper Bracket Quarter Final Featured Match between Choke Gaming and London Conspiracy.

Game 1

With such a close matchup in the seedings it was expected to be a close game, and it certainly was! Both LC’s Vi and Choke’s Maokai were focused on using their early ganking power assisting all their lanes to keep the game incredibly even with only 500 gold between the two teams at 20 minutes. The game swings as Choke force a fight around the Dragon pit, attaining two kills for nothing, but they stay to take down the dragon and are pushed away by London Conspiracy, but not before a perfect smite from Choke’s Maokai steals the objective. While Choke Gaming have the advantage in the close quaters teamfights London Conspiracy now choose to force a fight in the midlane, executing the VI/Yasuo combo to pick off the first member of Choke before they are even aware of the push!

Choke Gaming successfully defend their turret through excellent peeling, allowing Lucian to do heavy damage to London Conspiracy's Front Line

Once again tunneling on the Dragon, Choke attempt to rush it down but are caught, meaning that while they completed the objective, they lose 4 members of their team in exchange creating an opportunity for LC to push down the Outer Middle Lane Turret. LC are trying to speed up the game, as their full AD composition will be outscaled by the heavy armour buying Choke Team who have the advantage as the game length extends. Noticing this LC desperately force a fight in the midlane, but it ends in another even teamfight as the teams are so close in both Gold and Skill levels, however the next even fight leaves LC with the prize of the Baron buff giving them an advantage to play with. It doesn’t last long however as they lose the buff through unnessesary deaths, bringing the game back to 23 -23 and even gold.
The game finally takes a turn with a desperation push from LC outside Choke Gamings base, but they are too spread out and unable to effectively use their composition to pick off the Choke Gaming carries, and a Quadra Kill from Lucien gives Choke Gaming enough time to rush down the Mid Lane and take out an inhibitor and both Nexus turrets before falling back.


Wanting to close out the game before the hour passes, both teams rush towards the Baron Pit for an epic Final Teamfight!

A 50 minute Baron and 3 kills later Choke Gaming return to the LC base to finish off the Nexus!

Game 2

Maokai has a rough start to the game after a botched invade leaves him without a red buff and a not enough XP to hit level 2 before the 4 minute rolls over. LC continue to bully Vinny the Noob’s Maokai but a slight misplay with the aggression leaves them giving a kill over to Gofish’s Nidalee meaning they lose their early advantage as Vinny gets back into the game. Aware of Nidalee’s power in Gofish’s hands, the moment that Rengar hits 6 he heads to the toplane to pick up an easy kill with the CC of his Bola and the Rune Prism from Ryze. This is repeated as soon as Thrill of the Hunt is available again taking down Nidalee again and destroying her turret, shutting her out of the game for now. Having the advantage in his own lane, Ryze teleports to the bottom lane to assist in taking down Jinx. Lucian goes top to try and stop Nidalee from taking the turret, but he underestimates Nidalee’s damage and meets his demise under the turret.
Nidalee goes huge with 5 kills and starts to split push, as no single member of LC can even think about duelling her alone. This leads LC to try and force 4 vs 5 fights but a sloppy engage leave the Rengar shockwave delivery system to fizzle out without effecting a single member of Choke.  With a 5k gold lead and 6-2 up in turrets Choke have the ability to just pick and choose their fights, slowly stretching their gold lead through increasingly successful teamfights.
While Nidalee splitpushes, LC force another 4 vs 5 exchange outside the Baron Pit and pick up the baron, but Gofish has taken two inhibitors and a Nexus turret before ambushing the LC stragglers to pick up a double kill.

“Meanwhile, in toplane...”

With Super minions flooding into their base, LC are unable to repel the final assault from Choke gaming, and they pick up the second win in this best of 3 series to head to the Upper Bracket Finals. Be sure to tune in to our twitch.tv stream at www.twitch.tv/epiclan which will be Live at 1pm, while for more information on the competing teams check out our roundup here.