
News :: ETF2L Highlander Match One Report

ETF2L Highlander Match One Report

We had a promising start in the first map but unfortunately we were hit by some disconnect and ping issues which resulted in us setting disapporing times on both maps which the opposition were easily able to beat. Out next match is yet to be scheduled but we are all hoping we will be able to better our performance or at least keep 9 people on the server at once!

I think I can speak for the whole team when I say that the start of Dustbowl was very promising. We chose to attack first and made short work of the first capture points. Things were looking good and everyone was gaining in confidence until we were hit by a series of disconnects on the last few points. This made getting the last couple of points in particular very tricky especially without a heavy. We persevered through and managed to capture all the points but the time we set was quite beatable by the other team.

Our defence of Dustbowl started off well with me breaking from convention and using the Kritzkrieg with our demo to try and take out the medic über-combo before they had chance to pop their heads up the ramp. This was a plan devised by Dny and it worked to an extent as their heavy was taken out swiftly. Our disconnect issues were starting to hurt us and unfortunately we were overran as the opponents put the extra men to good use and took the points with relative ease.

After Dustbowl we were a map down, which meant at best we could claim a draw if we were able to perform well. Our ranks were hastily filled by Murray-Mint and then Saboo after Murray suffered game issues too. Unfortunately none of us really had much experience playing on Upward and it showed. We did however manage to capture all the points but in a disappointing time which was subsequently beaten by the opposition.

In the next match we shall again be playing Dustbowl, but thankfully Upward is replaced by Granary. The date and time will be announced once it is agreed with the opposition and I am sure all of epic.LAN community will be out in force to give us their support and to supply fresh hamsters to the those affected in Sunday's match. We shall do our best as ever!


I would like thank everyone that played and those that watched us on Source TV as well as those who stepped in to help us:

Hg, Murray-Mint and Saboo