
News :: Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Meet the TeamAfter a series of applications and interviews in the last few weeks, we're now pleased to announce the latest additions to the 2011 epic.LAN team lineup!

Event Team

  • Zorg
  • Daftchip
  • Kamikaze

Content Editor

  • Squirrel

TF2 Team

  • Tapley
  • Mole


Here's what the new members of the Event Team have to say as an introduction:


Well, I just want to say how happy I am that I survived a grilling from Winbar and Saboo and came out the other side and secondly how much I'm looking forward to becoming a member of the epic.Team.

Pretty new to staffing LAN events but I'm definately looking forward to getting to know the community better and being a bit of a 'personality' around the place as well as getting involved in the team behind the events I've enjoyed for the last year and a half making sure that epic.LAN is as epic as ever!

Looking forward to dragging a few of you out of the events for a game of football, bashing your hunters and eating your village in werewolves, see you at epic.FIVE!


It took me a while to apply for this role as I've had so much fun participating in previous events. However, this should be an enjoyable and more rewarding experience. I look forward to helping make what I consider the best LAN events in the country more fun for others, even if it means I have to miss a little of that fun myself.


I am very pleased and excited to be part of the epic.Team and to be able to use my skills to help support the events and community. I've had lots of experience in staffing other LAN events as well as managing competitive gaming teams. I hope to bring all I have learnt to the epic events both online and offline to help make them even more epic (if that is possible).

I hope everyone in the epic community will get to know me well during the forthcoming events especially to learn to fear my shell-dodging skills at Mario Kart. Speaking of which, I am really looking forward to assisting in running the smaller tournaments at the events and getting involved in more of the offline social calendar.

I can also be bribed with tea and chocolate to be your personal medic on epic.Tuesdays.