
News :: epic.NINE - Camping

epic.NINE - Camping

Fresh from our own trip to the Silverstone mudbath, we just need to make you aware of a possible change to camping arrangements, nothing serious...don't worry!

The racecourse has been hit by quite a lot of rain recently, and thankfully we've had a few nice days in Staffordshire to dry things out, but certainly last week, the centre-course area that we use for camping was extremely wet.

We continue to monitor the situation with the venue and will make our final assessment on Thursday morning, but it may be necessary to move the camping location if the centre-course is still waterlogged. If that is the case, the camping area will move to the grass bank behind the Railway Bar (indoor sleeping hall, far end of the main car park).

We also need to remind you all not to drive across to the centre course area, please park on the main car park and carry your camping gear across the track to the camping area.